Saturday, May 18, 2024
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Donald Goes to Davos

America is open for business!

U.S. President Donald Trump addressed the 48th Annual World Economic Forum Meeting in Davos, Switzerland today. The President was in full salesman mode, promoting the United States as open for business as a result of the regulatory and tax reforms his administration has pushed hard since taking office one year ago. Calling regulation “stealth taxation”, the President claimed that his administration has eliminated 22 regulations for each new one so far. Mr. Trump did not pass up the opportunity to highlight the reduction in the U.S. corporate tax rate from 35 to 21 percent, as well.

There has never been a better time to hire, to build, to invest, and to grow in the United States.  America is open for business, and we are competitive once again.

The President’s speech was mostly upbeat in his promotion of America as the place to do business again. Mr. Trump touted positive economic indicators like rising consumer and small business confidence. He also claimed the creation of 2.4 million new American jobs under his watch, as well as reductions in African-American, Latino and female unemployment rates. Trump stated “[t]here has never been a better time to hire, to build, to invest, and to grow in the United States. America is open for business, and we are competitive once again.”


America still in the business of war-mongering

Unfortunately President Trump couldn’t pass up the opportunity to beat the drums of unprovoked war against Iran and North Korea, themes he’s been pushing since the 2016 presidential campaign. As indicated by recent speeches from Secretary of State Tillerson and Vice President Mike Pence, the United States has embarked on a new war-mongering campaign by attempting to rehash ISIS fears to justify a never-ending U.S. presence in Syria and use it as a path to eventually launch an attack against Iran.

President Trump echoed these same sentiments by, once again, making unsupported claims of Iranian aggression and exaggerating what’s left of the ISIS threat in Syria. Of course, Donald Trump’s saber-rattling wouldn’t be complete without an honorable mention for North Korea. The President continued to plug the need to “de-nuke” the tiny country that the U.S. bombed the crap out of back in the early 1950s. The de-nuclearization argument provides a convenient excuse for maintaining a hefty U.S. military presence, and U.S. imperialism, in the Pacific Rim.

What is the World Economic Forum?

The World Economic Forum is an annual gathering of the most wealthy and powerful people in the world in the village of Davos, Switzerland. The purpose, of course, is to plot and scheme about the future of the world. Admission is a mere $55,000 each and it’s guarded by a small army of 4,000 Swiss troops, 1,000 police and a no-fly zone. In true globalist style, protests are banned in the village during the conference. Donald Trump is the first U.S. president to attend since the year 2000. Global Research has a good article about it here, if you’d like to know more.


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Fatih Siyasi

Engaged in counter-propaganda related work.