Saturday, April 27, 2024
BLOGPNR Original Content

Facebook: Memes Criticizing Murderous Tyrants “Goes Against Our Standards”


The Facebook page of The Political News Report has been suspended from posting indefinitely for posting the meme pictured above. FB labelled the meme as “dangerous content” that “goes against [Facebook’s] standards”. I do not know who the creator of the meme is, but the message is very powerful.

On July 19, 2021, FB initially stated the suspension was for three days. However there has been no change in status to date other than I also cannot do anything with any settings of the page anymore.

Prior to this suspension, the Facebook page of The Political News Report has been in reduced distribution for months for questioning the government and mainstream narratives on recent issues like the COVID-19 plandemic, the stolen 2020 U.S. elections and the Black Lives Matter grift.

You are invited to still like and follow the Facebook page of The Political News Report, if for no other reason than to frustrate their efforts to censor and suppress those of us who question the status quo.

UPDATE August 21, 2021

So The Political News Report appears to be out of Facebook jail after several weeks, which was supposed to only last 3 days. Interestingly this “reprieve” from the Marxo-Fascist overlords running FB came just a few days after I redirected the FB icon on my website away from the FB page and, instead, to this explanation of how FB suspended this account, which you are reading right now.

Considering FB’s behavior, as well as its three-letter-agency origins, I think I will be deleting the FB page for good. More details to come.

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Thank you for reading and sharing.

PNR Editor

Fatih Siyasi

Engaged in counter-propaganda related work.