Sunday, May 19, 2024
2020 Election

Election 2020: First Debate to Biden’s Advantage

Case Western University and Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio hosted the first presidential debate of the 2020 election last night. This was the first time the American people had an opportunity to observe incumbent President Trump and his challenger, former Vice President and decades-long U.S. Senator, Joe Biden, face off during one of the strangest years in world history, much less any election year.

Joe Biden’s Lead, Joe Biden’s Cognitive Issues

Joe Biden came into the debate continuing a lead in the polls over President Trump. While the event likely didn’t swing any voters on issues like the economy, COVID-19 or civil unrest, the debate was an important test for Joe Biden. For most of 2020, the former vice president has appeared to be avoiding public appearances and suffering cognitive issues on the rare occasion when he did make a public appearance. This has proven fodder for the president to label Biden as “Sleepy Joe”.

Some people, mainly the MAGA faithful, thought the first debate might be a blowout for Trump because of all of the viral videos showing Biden stumbling and rambling during public appearances and interviews. While at this point it’s clear Biden’s cognitive state isn’t going to sway any of the Democrat Party faithful, significant stumbling by Biden during the debate could have bolstered the image of him being an old man going senile and turn off potential swing voters.

Biden Holds Off Angry Trump

But during the debate, Biden displayed healthy mental focus, even in the face of Trump’s incessant interruption when it was Biden’s turn to speak. While Trump’s lack of courtesy won’t turn off the MAGA faithful, Biden’s ability to stay on track through Trump’s onslaught will likely undermine the “Sleepy Joe” image and possibly help Biden with swing voters.

While the shouting match that was the first 2020 presidential debate might appear to be a draw, it was Biden’s to lose if he showed signs of cognitive trouble. The fact that he maintained focus, not perfect focus but as good as any sound mind could under the circumstances, dispels the notion that he is suffering cognitive decline. At least for now.

FYI, the remaining debates are from 9:00pm to 10:30pm on:

  • Vice Presidential Debate: October 7, 2020
  • 2nd Presidential Debate: October 15, 2020
  • 3rd Presidential Debate: October 22, 2020

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Fatih Siyasi

Engaged in counter-propaganda related work.