Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Black Lives Matter Co-founder: ‘We are trained Marxists’

In 2020 we have seen law enforcement, politicians, media and multinational corporations falling over themselves to “bend the knee” to Black Lives Matter. They’ve also given BLM’s “mostly peaceful” violent and destructive protests a pass when the rest of society is being subjected to life-destroying, draconian COVID-19 lockdowns imposed by tyrannical governments.

Recently Warner Brothers studios even announced a deal with Patrice Cullors, co-founder of Black Lives Matter, to produce television programming. Yet despite all of this fawning adoration from the halls of American power, BLM protesters continue to engage in intimidation and violence against people just trying to go about their lives in the face of government tyranny.

Why do the protests continue when government, media and business have already bowed before this group? Isn’t this the time for BLM to engage in dialogue with the powers that be, when they have the attention of the rich and powerful, and turn protest into progress?

Black Lives Marxist?

Well there is no good time to engage in dialogue if there is another purpose than actually making “black lives matter” or “social justice”. In a July 2015 interview with The Real News Network, the aforementioned BLM founder, Patrisse Cullors, discusses the ideological framework of Black Lives Matter, stating, “We are trained Marxists” (see video below).

Does Black Lives Matter really care about black lives or is it exploiting the darker parts of western history as a vehicle to advance a collectivist agenda? Does BLM get a pass from the advocates and enforcers of oppressive COVID-19 lockdowns because they also share a collectivist purpose?

This is an important question because Marxism is part of the collectivist family of ideologies, which also includes communism, socialism and fascism. The lessons of Communist Russia, Maoist China, and Nazi Germany teach us that the promise of these ideologies, to provide for everyone if we just give ourselves over to the collective, is a hollow promise. The result is inevitably oppression and slavery for the many at the hands of an exploitative, tyrannical ruling minority.

The Revolution Will Be a Rerun

In George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, there is a passage that describes the typical pattern of revolutions as the middle classes enlisting the lower classes to overthrow the upper classes. “As soon as they have reached their objective, the Middle thrust the Low back into their old position of servitude, and themselves become the High.” (p. 255).

I think BLM’s real purpose is actually pretty clear and it has more to do with fostering a collectivist revolution, with them and their corporate sponsors at the top, than it does with black lives. At least not any black lives that believe in the fundamental human rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I also think the rich and powerful that bend the knee for Black Lives Matter likely view the BLM movement/organization as a political tool to be wielded against any who challenge their collectivist, authoritarian agenda that is on open display in the COVID-19 era. But while BLM currently enjoys the protection of selective big tech censorship, such privileges can be withdrawn with the click of a mouse if BLM ever poses a threat to the big tech hegemony.

The behavior of the BLM leadership and their rich and powerful supporters during 2020 indicates that they don’t actually care about regular people, be they black, white or other. What they do seem to care about is power and control over other people. As Orwell tells us, once power has been secured they will “thrust the Low back into their old position of servitude”, just like the Bolsheviks, the Maoists and the Nazis have done in times past.

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PNR Editor

Fatih Siyasi

Engaged in counter-propaganda related work.