Wednesday, May 8, 2024
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Why Donald Trump is Almost Certainly Working for Hillary Clinton

Hillary’s Big Win in South Carolina

This weekend was a big win for Hillary Clinton’s bid for the Democratic presidential nomination as she beat Sanders by a landslide in the South Carolina primaries. While the mainstream news is abuzz with Hillary’s big win, there doesn’t seem to be any talk about the role Trump’s angry white man rhetoric may be playing in her recent campaign success. Whether that is intentional or just weak reporting is up to you to decide. But I think Trump’s neo-fascist rhetoric, most recently tweeting a quote from fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, is scaring non-Whites into supporting Hillary Clinton over her supposedly anti-establishment opponent, Bernie Sanders. The fact that Trump has remained silent about the vocal support he continues to receive from David Duke, a man who has willingly been photographed in KKK garb, only fuels these fears.  As Trump’s bid for the Republican nomination continues it’s advance, Trump is going to drive more people from Sanders to Clinton.

The mainstream media likes to joke about the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump has been hired by the Clinton campaign to better her chances of clinching the Democratic nomination and, eventually, the presidency. I doubt Hillary Clinton has the resources to buy off a billionaire. But I’m not so sure you can say the same for her benefactor, George Soros, who, by the way, just recently injected several million dollars into Hillary’s presidential campaign. Does that prove Trump has been hired to scare democratic voters in to turning out for Hillary? Certainly not, but Trump’s candidacy isn’t exactly having a negative effect on Hillary’s chances for the Democratic nomination.

The Conspiracy is Real?

I don’t know if Donald Trump is intentionally trying to heard the masses into making Hillary Clinton the Democratic nominee or eventually the first female President of the United States of America. And I don’t think it matters all that much if he is because what is obvious is that the more air time Trump gets, the more he actually will heard the masses into supporting Hillary.  Trump’s neo-fascist rhetoric will fuel the perception, propagated by mainstream punditry, that Hillary is the statelier candidate. This perception will make Democrats believe Hillary is the safer bet versus Sanders and that Hillary is the only thing standing between non-Whites and White supremacists and racists.

Trump’s Tweeting quotes from history’s number 2 fascist while staying silent about the vocal support from White supremacists like David Duke will only stoke the fears of minorities, particularly Blacks, about racism and discrimination.  The Democratic Party machine will couch the election in terms of having dire consequences if Americans “throw away their vote” by supporting Bernie Sanders, the non-establishment candidate or if they don’t turn out to vote for Clinton against Trump in November. So, wittingly or unwittingly, Trump is working to strengthen Hillary Clinton’s campaign for President. In other words, Trump is working for Hillary, whether he means to or not.

But the analysis doesn’t end there. No, there is a much more important point here than the fact that Trump’s mouth is helping Clinton’s chances of becoming President. That point is this. There are a lot of people all over the mainstream political spectrum that are ringing alarm bells about what a threat Trump is to the status quo. But we’ve seen the establishment squash more than one real threat in the past, like Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich and Cynthia McKinney, just to name a few. If Trump is such a threat to the status quo, as people like Alex Jones claim him to be, why does the mainstream media, who clearly serves the status quo, keep giving Trump so much air time? There is only one reason, ladies and gentlemen, and that’s because Trump serves the purposes of those really running the show. See my post “Is There a Conspiracy to Pump and Dump Trump?” for more on how I think Trump is being used to pacify the widespread discontent in America today.

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“Donald Trump Responds to Press” image purchased via

Fatih Siyasi

Engaged in counter-propaganda related work.