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But before we talk about that, I want to say a quick thank you to the new subscribers that joined on YouTube and BitChute this week. Friends, if you find value in this content, click the subscribe button, click the notification bell and also share this content on social media.

And with that, let’s get to the topic of this video.

In the land of the free…

Does anybody even say that anymore about America?

Well, we used to call it the “land of the free”. But now it seems we are only free to obey, submit and pay up while pedophiles roam the halls of power and try to launch World War III.

But that’s really a topic for another video, which I did as you can see here. I will link to it and all of the other sources in this video as always in the show notes. I apologize for digressing, but all of this stuff is so intertwined, I sometimes find it hard to stay on track.

Today, we are talking about the illegal NSA domestic spying program that was outed by Edward Snowden back in 2013. This was a massive surveillance program by the NSA that indiscriminately sucked up Americans’ telephone records in clear violation of the Fourth Amendment. Ostensibly this was done to keep us safe from those nasty terrorists.

Of course that claim ignores the fact that the Islamic terrorists that have been responsible for wreaking havoc around the globe for the past couple of decades have been funded and trained by the U.S. and its allies, like the UK, Israel and Saudi Arabia. That’s also a topic for more than one other video, although I did a blogpost on one aspect of that that you can see here, which will also be linked in the show notes.

But the thing to remember is, every time the U.S. government says it needs to take away more of your freedom or your paycheck to combat terrorism, all it really needs to do is quit giving the terrorists money, guns and logistical support.

So back to the Snowden revelations back in 2013…

The so-called honorable men and women in the US Congress responded to the Snowden revelations by making that illegal program legal as part of the so-called USA FREEDOM Act. At the time of it’s passage, the USA FREEDOM Act was hailed as a win for civil liberties and privacy protections, as you can see from this article from the Guardian published shortly after the act passed.

We were told this act was going to end the bulk collection of Americans’ phone records. But typical of most reform acts passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by American presidents, it did the opposite of what they told us it would do. Thankfully, there was at least a sunset provision included in the law and the USA FREEDOM Act is now set to expire in December of 2019.

That is unless the Trump Administration has their way. As recently reported by the New York Times — I’m not a fan of theirs but they can do some good reporting when they want to — outgoing Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, delivered a letter to Congress on Thursday on behalf of the Trump Administration urging Congress to not only reauthorize the legalization of this illegal massive domestic spying program, but also to MAKE IT PERMANENT!

As the New York Times article points out, DNI Coats admitted in his letter to Congress that the program was shut down by the NSA because “recurring technical difficulties repeatedly caused it to collect more records than it had legal authority to gather.” And now President Trump wants to put lipstick on this pig of a law by making it permanent. According to Dan Coats letter to Congress, that’s just in case the technology improves to point where inadvertent overstepping of what little limits the USA FREEDOM Act provides on the government won’t be a problem anymore.

The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America provides:
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

In short, if the government wants to look at your phone records, somebody in the government has to, under oath, present facts to a judge that provide a reasonable suspicion that you have done, not might do, have done something wrong. Only then is the judge authorized to issue a warrant that allows the government to start snooping around in your business.

The government cannot just spy on anyone and everyone whenever it sees fit. I know in this day and age that sounds almost blasphemous, but under the U.S. Constitution that’s the law. And anyone making any kind of argument that government can or that you shouldn’t have anything to worry about if you aren’t doing anything wrong is simply, in my opinion, a traitor.

Furthermore, this isn’t just a matter of what is legal or constitutional. This is a matter of fundamental human rights. As I pointed out in another video recently, the Bill of Rights did not create the rights guaranteed in the First, Second, and Fourth Amendments. The Bill of Rights simply codified them. But these are fundamental human rights that each human being is endowed with as we live and breathe. They exist whether or not there is a constitution, the United States or any other government and no person or government or corporation possesses the authority to infringe on those rights, no matter what laws are passed or what dangers are alleged.

One final note, this is an example of what I talked about in my video titled “Controlled Opposition“. All of those Americans who have been at each others’ throats over Trump winning and Clinton losing the 2016 presidential election, need to pay attention to the obvious collusion that the history of this law makes clear by these two so-called opposing parties.

Barack Obama, a Harvard Law grad and a constitutional law professor, signed into law the bill that made this Bush era illegal program bear the stamp of legitimacy after it was exposed by Edward Snowden. Donald Trump, who loves to talk about what a bad president Obama was, wants to go a goose-step further and make authorization of this draconian program permanently legal.

Who do you think these people are really working for? Do you think they’re working for you or do you think they’re working for the benefactors of the military industrial complex that President Eisenhower, a five-star General and WWII hero, tried to warn us about in his farewell address over a half century ago?

And doesn’t it seem logical that these are probably the same people that the Jeffrey Epsteins of the world are working for, too?

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Thanks for watching, thanks for listening and remember, the political is personal.


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Fatih Siyasi

Engaged in counter-propaganda related work.