BLOGPNR Original Content

President Biden’s First Press Conference

Source: White House Official YouTube Channel

President Joe Biden held his first press conference since being inaugurated over two months ago. The press conference appeared scripted as President Biden fielded mostly soft-ball questions from mainstream media outlets and appeared to be reading prepared answers from note cards.

Despite providing some long, rambling answers to reporters’ questions, at one point even responding to a question about gun control by talking about building infrastructure, the president was not interrupted once. A distinctly different treatment than that received by his predecessor.

No questions were asked concerning the president’s family’s ties with China or Ukraine, Secretary of State Blinken’s embarrassing performance in recent talks with China, or Mexican President Obrador blaming Biden for the current border crisis.

The most views the press conference garnered on the White House Official YouTube Channel while President Biden was live was over 17,000 viewers, a fraction of what his predecessor would garner. By the end of the press conference the number of down votes outnumbered up votes by about 4 to 1.

YouTube numbers from Biden's first press conference
YouTube numbers from Biden’s first press conference

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Fatih Siyasi

Engaged in counter-propaganda related work.