Ignored By U.S. State Dept, Gonzalo Lira Dies of Neglect In Ukrainian Custody

Reports of the death of independent journalist and YouTuber, Gonazlo Lira (aka “Coach Red Pill”), went viral over the weekend. The U.S. State Department confirmed Lira’s death late Sunday night, as reported by ZeroHedge.

Lira’s father claims that his requests for assistance made to the U.S. State Department fell on deaf ears, despite his ailing health and claims of torture while in Ukrainian custody.

Lira and his father both claim that Lira was falsely accused of being a Russian spy by the because of his criticism of the Ukrainian government. Both men also claimed that Lira was then tortured by the Ukrainians and eventually allowed to die of pneumonia while being held in a Ukrainian prison.

Below, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange discusses the story.


Fatih Siyasi

Engaged in counter-propaganda related work.