Monday, May 6, 2024
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Welcome to the Political News Report, . . .

As you are well aware, convicted pedophile billionaire, Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his cell in the Special Housing Unit of Manhattan Correctional Center this past Saturday, less than 24 hours after thousands of documents were unsealed from a defamation case against his alleged recruiter, Ghislaine Maxwell. Documents that named some very high profile people in politics and finance. Epstein was being held without bail on new child sex-trafficking charges. We are being told that it was “an apparent suicide”.

At least, that’s the official story. In this video we are not going to go to discuss what has happened to Epstein or the underlying charges. The most important facts, we already know.

  • Jeffery Epstein was involved in trafficking children for sex and he was connected to many powerful people, not the least of which includes the current and at least one past U.S. President.
  • He was given special treatment when arrested in 2008 in a related case when he was allowed to plead guilty to one state charge of soliciting sex from a minor in exchange for only 18 months on work release. Charges that would have gotten any regular person far more time behind bars, and work release would not have even been an option.
  • We also know that he is a school teacher turned investment banker who owns a private jet, nicknamed the “Lolita Express” and a private island nicknamed “orgy island”.
  • We also know, without needing to see any proof, that he got that sweetheart deal in 2008 because he not only knows very wealthy and powerful people, but he likely has dirt of a pedophilic nature on them, as well.

I’ve already gone into the details more than we need to in this video. We aren’t going into really any other details of the Epstein case because, to borrow a phrase from Oliver Stone’s movie JFK, “the who and the what are just window dressing”.

What really matters is the why. Not only why was Jeffrey Epstein “suicided” while awaiting trial, but how was this man allowed to exist and orbit the rich and powerful in this country for so long?

That’s what matters, ladies and gentlemen.

Children are the currency of the power elite.
-Mark Passio, What On Earth Is Happening video podcast episode #214

My Presumption

Before we proceed further, it is only fair that I state my own presumption in this case. Whether Jeffery Epstein was murdered, was allowed to kill himself (a possibility that I will also state that I find highly unlikely), or he was removed and replaced with the corpse of another man, I do not believe for one second that bureaucratic ineptitude in failing to properly guard the most important prisoner in the United States is the reason why Jeffery Epstein will not stand trial, and more importantly, possibly turn states evidence against an obviously insidious conspiracy that reaches to the highest levels of power on this planet.

People with power conspired to see to it that Jeffrey Epstein never saw the inside of a courtroom. To believe otherwise, in my opinion, is at best willful blindness because Epstein was the single most important inmate in the entire United States at the time.

And for a measly $70.00 you can buy a baby monitor that can give you constant video and audio and will even pan and tilt around the room by remote. A $70.00 device that any consumer can buy off the shelf that would have made Mr. Epstein’s murder, suicide or body snatching virtually impossible without at least an eye witness to the event.

But, ladies and gentlemen, the “why” is what matters. Not why was Epstein arrested, not why was he “suicided”, either by his own hand or by others, or snuck out to resume his old life of child sex trafficking under a new identity. Not these why’s, ladies and gentlemen. Those why’s are not only easy to answer, they’re obvious.

No, the big why is what I alluded to before. To get to that, I would like to do as I usually try to do do in these videos and talk about a news story that may have slipped your attention in the current fast-paced news cycle. Actually, not just one story, but several stories. But I think you will find these stories worth closer attention because they relate to the Epstein story and the big why.

Pelosi pulls punches, Trump runs into the middle of Democrats’ civil war and then tries to start war with Iran

You may recall that Jeffery Epstein was arrested, for the second time, on July 6th of this year. On July 9th, Common Dreams reported that Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi a Democrat and vocal critic of President Trump, first took to Twitter on the night of Monday the 8th, to call for Labor Secretary, Alex Acosta’s resignation. Acosta being the federal prosecutor that gave Esptein the sweetheart deal back in 2008.

Pelosi’s tweets were nothing unusual because many democrats were doing the exact same thing at the time. They really couldn’t afford not to since they really hadn’t made any stink about this pedophile protector being Labor Secretary for over two years, while the so-called “fake news” alternative media outlets had never really let go of the story of how Alex Acosta gave Esptein the sweetheart deal.

But back to the Common Dreams article, so Nancy Pelosi joins the growing calls for Alex Acosta to resign as Secretary of Labor on the Monday night following Epstein’s arrest. But, as Common Dreams tell it, the next day Pelosi starts pulling her punches and publicly announces that, “It’s up to the president, it’s his cabinet. We have a great deal of work to do here for the good of the American people and we have to focus on that.”


First of all, the American people don’t want scumbags like Alex Acosta in any position of power, so there was some very important work for the American people sitting right in front of Nancy Pelosi with this case.

Second of all, the Trump presidency has been one of the most contentious in recent history. I would argue, probably the most contentious of the last 50 to 100 years. And one of Trump’s leading political foes pinches her nose when there’s blood in the water and says, “no thanks”?

But wait, there’s more…

You may have also already forgotten that a few days later, after Acosta resigned as Labor Secretary, a very public conflict erupted between Pelosi and the so-called Squad of progressive democrats, led by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. As some in the mainstream press described it, a civil war within the Democratic Party.

And instead of sitting back and letting this Democratic civil war unfold and letting the Democrats tear themselves apart as we are headed into the next presidential election cycle, what did Trump do?

Well I have to borrow a headline from your friends at…

“As Democrats Fight A Civil War, Trump Strips Naked And Runs Onto The Battlefield”

Please note the date of that story is July 14th,and Esptein was arrested on the 6th.

And then, before anybody can catch their breath, we find ourselves staring down the very real possibility of another Middle Eastern. Thankfully war was averted. Pelosi and the Squad made up and barely anybody was talking about Epstein anymore.

Epstein Docs Get Unsealed

At least until all of those docs from Epstein’s civil case got unsealed. What I’m getting at ladies and gentlemen is the turn of events I’ve just described above didn’t make much sense as they occurred. But they sure did provide for a great distraction after a nice distraction.

A distraction from what? A distraction from this guy, Jeffrey Epstein. A convicted pedophile who has been photographed and videotaped several times with the current sitting president.

And more importantly, as I pointed out with the story about how Pelosi reacted to the calls for Acosta to resign, when it comes to Epstein we’ve seen a hands-off attitude on both sides of the aisle. Before Epstein was arrested, how many times did AOC or the rest of the Squad call for Acosta to step down or even mentioned the Epstein case?

It was publicly available knowledge that Bill Clinton’s name showed up on the manifest of Epstein’s jet, dubbed “the Lolita Express” back during the 2016 presidential campaign season. Why didn’t Trump not bring up Epstein’s name one time?

Now friends, in these videos and in my blogposts, I try to stick to facts. Any speculation is presented as just that. I am admittedly engaging in more speculation in this video than I normally would, but I believe it is based on the circumstances before us. Circumstances that require at least considering the possibilities that the evidence points to, as disturbing as it might be.

The Big “Why”

The big reason why that Epstein could never be allowed to see the inside of a courtroom is what is indicated by his story and the behavior of those in power in relation to this story. And it’s this. That it is possible, I would go as far as to say that it is highly likely that many politicians, at all levels of government, both in the U.S. and around the world, are tied to an extensive child sex trafficking ring because it is the perfect explanation why year after year, administration after administration, they keep acting to take more of your wealth, more of your freedom and seek to make the world less secure, despite promises to the contrary.

Because they are beholden to dark forces. So dark that they are willing to employ child sex slaves to get what they want. Again, this is speculation, but this is how I believe this works. Those who possess money and power seek those who will do their bidding. They have people working for them whose jobs it is to monitor politics, religion, business and entertainment sectors to locate ambitious, charismatic people to bring into their fold.

Part of the vetting process is having one or more psychological profiles conducted on these candidates. The best candidates are either sociopaths or people who have a particular weakness. That weakness is a sexual appetite for the under-aged.

So the powerbrokers see to it that these candidates get access to funding and the circles of power. And then they get them in a comprising position and they record it. And then one of their henchmen has the talk with the candidate.
You know what I mean by the talk. It’s the one Tom Cruise’s character, Mitch the ambitious young lawyer had with the head of firm security guy in the 1993 movie, The Firm.

The talk where the candidate is told if he plays ball he can have all of his dreams fulfilled. But they have the dirt to destroy him and if he doesn’t play ball, then they will use that dirt to destroy him. And there is nothing he can do about it.

In my humble opinion, that’s the big “why”, ladies and gentlemen. It’s the big why nearly all politicians make genuine, heart-felt promises to change things when they run for office, but when they get to Washington they just take a big dive in the swamp and serve the agenda of more war, more authoritarianism and less in your pocket.

You are welcome to disagree, but I encourage you to at least consider the possibility. Because if what the Epstein story, as well as other past news stories that suggest this disturbing intersection between the halls of power and child sex trafficking, suggests about our government is true, we cannot afford to simply bury our heads in the sand any longer.

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Thanks for watching, thanks for listening and remember, the political is personal.


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Fatih Siyasi

Engaged in counter-propaganda related work.