2020 Election

Election 2020: The Final Presidential Debate

The first presidential debate of the 2020 election was an undeniable dumpster fire. America watched a sitting president, Donald J. Trump, exercise the patience of a spoiled five-year-old boy by repeatedly interrupting his opponent, former vice President Joseph R. Biden, during Biden’s allotted time.

Trump’s behavior triggered the collapse of the event into a shouting match. Before the event was over, Trump also managed to flub denouncing white supremacy. Joe Biden, not to be out-done apparently, stated with a straight face that the fascist/socialist/marxist, domestic terrorist group known as ANTIFA was “an idea, not an organization”.

Second and Last of Three Debates

The second presidential debate was originally scheduled for October 15th, but was scrapped. Joe Biden insisted on a virtual format due to Trump’s reported positive diagnosis of, and quick recovery from, COVID-19. President Trump rejected the virtual format and the two candidates proceeded to hold town halls instead. Although Savannah Guthrie, host of the Trump town hall, decided to still give Trump a debate herself.

Now, with the election less than two weeks away, the two septuagenarians will face off in, what was originally scheduled as the third but is now the second and still final, presidential debate of 2020. This final debate will be held Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 9pm Eastern on live television (but you can watch in the video player above). The event is being hosted by Belmont University in Nashville, TN and moderated by NBC News White House correspondent, Kristen Welker.

Debate Topics

According to the Commission on Presidential Debates (which is a private, non-profit entity and not a governmental body), the debate topics have been chosen by the debate moderator. Those topics are:

  • Fighting COVID-19
  • American Families
  • Race in America
  • Climate Change
  • National Security
  • Leadership

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Not Debate Topics

More importantly, there are some very important topics that will not be part of the presidential debate, or any other debate, it seems. Topics like:

You can watch right here on debate night. Just remember, over 2 billion people on this planet do not have access to a toilet. If we fail to respect each others’ fundamental rights to life, liberty (that includes the right to exist and to have an opinion that you don’t like) and property, then we may end up joining those people instead of being able to help them out.


PNR Editor

Fatih Siyasi

Engaged in counter-propaganda related work.