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TAPS Act 2019 is Coming for You


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It seems Congress is, once again, trying push governmental tyranny and authoritarianism to all new, once inconceivable, heights.

According to a recent article from your friends at, ‎two bills, House Resolution 838 and Senate Bill 265, both dubbed the “Threat Assessment, Prevention, and Safety Act” or “TAPS” Act, are making their way through the House and the Senate and enjoy both bipartisan and bicameral support.

If you’ve watched American politics for any length of time, then you probably know to be wary whenever you start hearing things like “bipartisan support” for a bill. And in this case, you would be right to think that way.

But before we judge, let’s take a look at the bill itself. Shall we?


This bill seems to me will set the stage for a future where everything you say or do will be under constant scrutiny, not that isn’t happening already. It will create a world where if you dare let on that you question what is deemed acceptable by the overlords of the day, you can expect a visit from one of these Behavioral Threat Assessment Units despite having done nothing wrong.

Just like in George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984, we will become a society where parents are afraid to speak in front of their children, neighbors and co-workers will live in constant fear of each other for either being a threat or being reported as being a behavioral threat.

This act, whether or not it is actually well-intended, although I will admit that I personally don’t believe that it is, will eventually be used to chill and ultimately suppress the questioning of authority — a right not only guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, but an inalienable right and civic duty of every human being.

Speaking of the Constitution, it also flies in the face of the Fourth Amendment which protects your other inalienable right to be left alone unless and until you actually do something wrong.

This is the state of affairs that Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini dreamt about.

It is the state of affairs that the Fabian Socialists have been dreaming about for decades.

It is another step towards total human slavery.

Even MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow called out Barack Obama for suggesting such measures while president back in 2009.

These honorable men and women in Congress claim the justification for such invasive and oppressive measures is to prevent mass casualty attacks, which is basically mass shootings, and claim that it is becoming some sort of an epidemic.

As awful as these events are, the reality is that the chances that you will find yourself in such a situation is minute and these politicians and the groups pushing this agenda are just using the mass shooting phenomenon as a way to scare the American people into giving up their freedom and their money for the PROMISE of security.

This is part of a strategy called the “Hegelian Dialectic”. I did a short video on it and I will put a link in the show notes so you can take a look for yourself. But basically, they use fear to get you to go along with things you would never otherwise find acceptable. And they’ve been using this tactic at an accelerated pace in the 21st century and to scare people into going along with more war, more authoritarianism and less freedom for the average person.

If these politicians really cared about preventing these mass casualty attacks, then they would use the power of their office to start a discourse regarding some of the reasons why people snap and go on these public killing sprees.

They would talk about things like:

  • The rise in dual-income households (which means parents aren’t around when kids get out of school like they used to be),
  • The rise in single-parent households and its impact on children,
  • The intersection between the rise of prescription mood-altering drugs like opioids and RSIs and mass shootings,
  • the normalization of violence in entertainment,
  • the gutting of the civics curriculum in public education.

And dare I say, the concomitant rise of systemic racist and sexist doctrine in our education system and the public discourse aimed at those most likely to commit these mass casualty attacks, white males?

Or will our elected representatives even question why, when you can study any topic from a pocket supercomputer that most Americans now carry in their pockets every day, why are we still shipping children off to school? Why are we ripping them away from their parents, the people who are naturally supposed to watch over them until they become adults, and shipping them off to be herded like cattle by strangers for most of the day where they can be exposed to disease, predation and, oh yes, mass shootings?

But you won’t hear that from any of the politicians or groups pushing for this draconian bill because none of these topics provide a justification for more government power over WHAT YOU say and what you do.

Thanks for watching.

Resource Links are in the show notes.

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Fatih Siyasi

Engaged in counter-propaganda related work.