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Is There A Conspiracy to Pump & Dump Trump?

Donald Trump recently joked that he could shoot somebody and he wouldn’t lose voters, ostensibly because he’s so popular (see video above). When I heard this, I thought to myself that Kim Kardashian’s butt could probably make the same assertion in today’s America if, of course, Kim’s butt was actually running for president. Although both are asses, Kim Kardashian’s butt is much more pleasant to watch than Donald Trump, so why is the mainstream media giving Trump so much attention? And why aren’t his opponents going after his obvious vulnerabilities?

Trump the Untouchable?

Conventional wisdom tells us that mainstream media (MSM) outlets are hungry for ratings so they always push the stories with shock value. At first blush, that might seem to explain why Donald Trump keeps getting so much media attention. He’s loud, obnoxious and says outrageous things. But when you consider how other candidates who challenged the status quo have been treated in recent presidential election cycles, it seems a little fishy that the MSM keeps showering him with airplay and refrain from questioning him about what would clearly be uncomfortable subjects. Subjects like his several bankruptcies or his past campaign contributions to both parties.

Perhaps what is a more important question is why don’t any of Donald Trump’s so-called opponents, both Republican and Democrat, go after him on any of these subjects or other subjects where he is clearly vulnerable? With just a little research, it’s clear to see that Trump is not the self-made billionaire he makes himself out to be, nor does he have anything in common with regular people. He was born a rich fancy lad to a real estate tycoon who sent him to exclusive private schools. His rich daddy gave “The Donald” a send off from college with $200,000 in cash and real estate in his pocket. What a tough way to start off in the “real world”!

Donald Trump has no idea what it’s like to have to look for a job, make a mortgage payment, wash clothes, go grocery shopping or do anything else normal people do. Furthermore, he’s filed bankruptcy four times and he’s admitted buying influence with politicians. I know, his opponents and the MSM have confronted him with some of these issues, but they let go once he’s given his b.s. answer. A thirteen year-old from your local junior high debate club could handle Donald Trump better than any of these supposed pros have. No, there’s a lot of punch-pulling going on here, both in the media and from the Republican and Democratic field of candidates.  And, although you won’t hear this in the MSM, there are others in the alternative media who are wondering what the real game behind Trump’s supposed presidential bid is and I’m one of them.

The “Pump and Dump”

My take is that I smell a pump and dump. See, in the world of investing, the “pump and dump” is a scheme by insiders or others with large positions in a stock to pump up the value of the stock by talking it up in the media or other communication channels like the internet. Once the value has been pumped up enough from all of the hype, these shysters dump their shares on the market. The end result is a huge wealth transfer from the suckers that bought the hyped stock to the shysters that pumped it up. The stock inevitably goes tumbling back down with the pumpers having reaped huge profits from the suckers they conned into buying the stocks.

The pump and dump preys on peoples’ hopes, fears and ignorance by telling them what they want to hear and then leaving them holding the bag. I think the establishment did the same thing when they offered up Barack Obama out of virtually no where back in 2008 and they are doing the same with Donald Trump in 2016. Just as it was in the lead up to the 2008 presidential election, today there is palpable, wide-spread discontent with the government across America. The establishment knows that this political pressure needs to be redirected or siphoned off before it builds into a real movement that can threaten the status quo. What better way to do that then to sell the discontented part of the electorate another lemon to rob them of their political capital?

Here Comes the New Boss, Same As the Old Boss?

In 2008, Barack Obama presented the perfect anti-Dubya candidate (with the help of a lot of lying) for Americans becoming discontented with eight years of Bush Administration lying, war-mongering and trampling of the Constitution. This discontent, combined with the tanking economy from the bursting derivatives bubble, posed a serious potential threat to the status quo. But instead of building into an organized movement for real change, the American people responded to Obama’s rhetoric and false promises to bring about change and voted him into office. The Obama pump and dump was in place. Although it was obvious that America got fooled again by the end of Obama’s first term, most of the voices who were clamoring for change back in 2008 are still cheer leading for this banksters’ puppet despite that fact that he’s really just given us two more terms of Dubya-like policies.

I think the plan with Donald Trump is similar, but I do not believe it involves putting him in the White House. Instead, the media and his opponents are letting him go on saying more and more outrageous things without really going after his vulnerabilities for one or both of two aims. First and foremost, Trump, probably unwittingly, is being used to siphon off the current wide-spread discontent across America in the hopes that it will not mix with a shaky (some would say “tanking”) economy to mobilize the public into taking real action. The people really running the show here know the lessons of history well, and history tells us that you can keep turning the screws on people, keep taking away their freedoms, their money, their property, but when they start having trouble putting food on the table and keeping a roof over their heads, the ruling elites and the establishment are in trouble.

The second purpose served by pumping up Trump is that he is making the status quo’s clear favorites, Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, look more palatable. By revealing the ugly side of what more Americans are thinking than willing to admit, Trump makes Jeb and Hillary look more stately and better suited to govern. The silent majority, who tend to be more moderate in their voting (and less likely to be sitting around at home to answer telephone polls), are unlikely going to be comfortable with this character in the oval office. If Trump doesn’t either self-destruct or decide on his own that being president isn’t worth the hassle/risk (financial or personal) , the powers that control the main stream press and the government will see to it that he drops out before the election, if not before the nominating convention.

In other words, the people won’t have to dump Trump, the establishment that is pumping him up will do the dumping and cash out the political will invested by his supporters. Any potential for change (good or bad) that Trump’s candidacy may have presented will have been diffused and the status quo will continue their agenda to enslave humanity with another one of their puppets in the White House. Either Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton will serve that purpose just fine, or any of the other Republican or Democratic candidates for that matter. But waking up to the farce that is being played out before our eyes is the first step on the long road to true freedom.

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Fatih Siyasi

Engaged in counter-propaganda related work.