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How America Will Be Manipulated Into Electing Hillary Clinton President in 2016

The mainstream media keep citing the rise of the supposed “anti-establishment” candidates in the 2016 presidential election cycle. The campaigns of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, we’re told, reflect widespread discontent of American voters with their government and the country’s direction. Frankly, there’s little doubt that there is wide-spread discontent with Washington today. After 16 years of Bush-Obama policies that have made Americans feel less safe, less free and more financially strained, many Americans are, once-again, tired of Washington politicians talking out of the side of their mouths. But, to paraphrase a dialogue from the movie, The American President, people will crawl through the desert in search of true leadership. And when they happen upon a mirage and find no water, they’ll drink the sand. Not because they’re thirsty, but because they don’t know the difference.

Anti-Establishment Candidates v. The Safe Bet

This anti-establishment/Washington outsider bit has been played over and over again in American presidential politics in one form or another. With Jeb Bush’s campaign collapsing like World Trade Center 7 on 9/11, the benefactor of this scenario will be the only viable establishment candidate left, Hillary Clinton. The mainstream media are already casting Clinton as the safe, albeit less-than-perfect, bet in contrast to the more risky “anti-establishment” candidates, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. We are going to see more stories like this one from The Washington Post, “For Clinton, a double-barreled fight against Trump and Sanders in New York“, which subtly spins Clinton as the heir apparent who is fending challengers off from her manifest destiny to be the first female American president. The American voter is being led to believe that, although their discontent is understandable, now is not the time to go for a “radical” like Sanders or Trump.

The Washington Outsider Narrative

The point of all of this anti-establishment hype is to maintain the illusion that voters have a voice, while at the same time diffusing the growing discontent with Washington before it grows into organized political action. Jeb Bush, the other establishment favorite, didn’t survive Donald Trump aiming some of this discontent in Jeb’s direction. Hillary Clinton still faces the ire of a discontented electorate because she was not only Secretary of State for part of the Obama Administration, but she was also a senator during the Bush-Cheney years. The powers that be have seen this type of scenario before, and they are managing it the same way they have time and again in the past. Through the use of fear and intimidation.

The mainstream media are painting Trump and Sanders as anti-establishment and outside the mainstream, thus too radical or too risky for people to expend their precious vote on. That Trump and Sanders are anything but anti-establishment or outsiders is a subject for another post, but the narrative will pander to the notion that it’s safer to stick to the safe bet versus the risky “radical”. Democratic voters, who were less than enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton going into the 2016 election cycle, are being made to think that they need to line up behind Hillary Clinton because she has the best chance of beating Trump, or so the narrative goes. The other part of the narrative is that Trump must be stopped, we are being told, because he is a stereotypical angry white guy that will turn back the clock to a time of white male privilege where women and non-whites were second class citizens.

The fact that Trump seems all-too-happy to feed the stereotype of the white, neo-con racist only helps to fuel calls for unity among non-racist, non-sexist, non-fascist Americans to do something to stop him. The media will scare people into not only supporting Hillary Clinton, but into scaring and shaming their fellow Americans into voting for Hillary Clinton for the good of the country. I think this tactic was originally going to be used to shore up support for Jeb Bush’s bid for the Republican nomination, but apparently it was too soon to try for yet another Bush presidency.

The End Game

The point of all of this is to increase the odds that a Hillary Clinton victory in 2016 will occur legitimately or at least be a plausible outcome. As I mentioned earlier, I think the plan included corralling voters to support both Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton as the respective Republican and Democratic nominees before Jeb’s campaign collapsed. But the goal has been, and continues to be, to herd the people into supporting the establishment candidates. Because support for the establishment politicians translates into legitimacy for the establishment agenda. That agenda, in case you haven’t noticed, is more war, more government interference in our private lives and less personal and financial security.

But don’t be fooled by the anti-establishment rhetoric. The establishment will “settle” for a Trump or a Sanders presidency if maintaining the integrity of the system requires it. Because the reality is these two men are no more Washington outsiders than Clinton or Bush (any Clinton or Bush). They are part of the same mirage of freedom we call American democracy and they will perpetuate the same agenda, albeit in a slightly varying fashion, if they are given the opportunity.

Update April 9, 2016

So yesterday morning on my way in to work, I see this e-mail update from the Daily Kos with the subject line: “Dear Sen. Sanders: Today, I am sick to my stomach”. For those who haven’t heard of Daily Kos it’s a popular liberal blog and Democratic Party mouthpiece. When I read the title I thought to myself, I told ya so! But I decided to read the post to be sure, and yes, as expected, it fits right into the pro-Hillary Clinton narrative I told you the establishment was developing in my blog post above. The Daily Kos post is basically styled as an open letter to Bernie Sanders to get him to retract “unfair” remarks he supposedly made that were critical about Hillary Clinton’s position on something. That something really isn’t important because this open letter is clearly written to make Bernie Sanders supporters think they need to fall in line behind Hillary Clinton for the good of the Democratic Party. Oh the predictability of the establishment! You can read the Daily Kos post here: Dear Sen. Sanders: Today, I am sick to my stomach. I think I’m going to keep adding updates as I see more and more of this for the sake of posterity.

More Updates

I’m just going to keep a running list of these support-Hillary-for-the-good-of-the-country type of articles right here. Hopefully, people will pick up on the pattern. Bernie Sanders will be the main target of these articles until Hillary Clinton secures the Democratic nomination. Then, of course, the target will be Donal Trump. The manipulation is so predictable!


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Hand-drawn style Clinton ad image from Big Stock Photo

Fatih Siyasi

Engaged in counter-propaganda related work.