Thursday, May 2, 2024
BLOGPNR Original Content

El Paso and Dayton – What They Aren’t Saying


Welcome to the Political News Report,…

As you are likely aware, two horrific spectacles occurred within the United States over this past weekend. One mass shooting in El Paso, TX and another in Dayton, OH. The purpose of this video podcast is not to cover the details of these events. You can get plenty of that from other outlets.

The purpose of this video is to cover some very important things that neither the politicians, the lobbying groups, nor the news media address when one of these horrific events occurs in a western country.

Some of these things that I am going to say will not be easy to hear. They certainly are not easy to say, particularly at a time like this. Some of you may be offended, but the truth cannot always be what we want it, and sometimes things need to be said. If you can’t handle having your world view challenged or being confronted with uncomfortable facts, then you are welcome to move on to other content.

There’s always plenty of people willing to tell you what you want to hear.

And unless you want to hear the truth, regardless of where it leads, then this is not the place for you.

With that, let’s begin with what our leaders are saying

Firstly, they’re all saying “something must be done”. But what are they saying must be done?

Well, President Trump said at a White House press conference on Monday morning that more needs to be done to restrict access to firearms by those adjudicated as being a danger to themselves or others, i.e. people with mental illness. The NRA endorsed the President’s position.

Democrats partly blamed Trump’s rhetoric regarding minorities and immigrants for the shootings, as well as taking the opportunity to push for more gun control measures. Several Democrats called for Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell to cancel the Senate’s August recess to take up gun control legislation that passed the House of Representatives earlier this year.

And the news coverage has fallen, not surprisingly, along political lines, focusing on how much blame should be laid at President Trump’s feet for his inflammatory rhetoric.

But here’s what they aren’t saying

What they won’t say, what they haven’t said in the aftermath of any of these events before or at any time concerning the gun control debate:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

And it’s here in the Second Amendment. The real purpose of the Second Amendment and the underlying truth about your right to bear arms is misrepresented across the political spectrum. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States says, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Those advocating for gun control argue that the purpose of the Second Amendment is to raise armies to defend the nation. In light of the standing, professional military that exists today, gun control advocates say, the Second Amendment protection for your right to bear arms is obsolete.

Those advocating for gun rights argue that the Second Amendment guarantees each person the right to keep and bear arms to protect themselves, but they’re usually alluding to protecting yourself from what people think of as the typical criminal element.

But these are mischaracterizations. I would argue they are intentional mischaracterizations to inflame and divide, and ultimately to conquer.

What you won’t hear from either side of the gun debate is this. The Second Amendment protects the ability of the people to repel an organized threat or invasion, foreign or domestic, including a threat that may be posed to them by their own government. This is the primary purpose of the Second Amendment. To protect the ability of the people to check governmental power.

This is the primary purpose of the Second Amendment. To protect the ability of the people to check governmental power.

There will be no government of the people or for the people when the only people who have the guns are the government.

But, if you’ll indulge me just a little bit longer, we haven’t gotten to the real epicenter of this issue. The most important point about the Second Amendment is this:

It doesn’t matter!

That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, the Second Amendment doesn’t matter and screw the Constitution! Neither you nor I nor anyone else, in the U.S. or any other part of the world, needs the U.S. Constitution, the Second Amendment or any other legal document.

The right to bear arms is a fundamental human right. No person and no government has the right to infringe upon that right or any of your other inalienable rights or the free exercise thereof.

As human beings we are endowed with certain inalienable rights and we possess those rights as we live and breathe. The Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution only enumerates those rights, it does not create them.

Those inalienable rights are the right to free speech, which includes the freedom to report (a.k.a. the freedom of the press), the right to be secure in your person and your property (a.k.a. your right to privacy), the right to be left alone, and, yes, the right to defend yourself. In other words, your right to bear arms – whether those arms are firearms, frying pans or your bare-knuckle fists – and it matters not what the U.S. Constitution says now or how it may be later amended.

The right to bear arms is a fundamental human right. No person and no government has the right to infringe upon that right or any of your other inalienable rights or the free exercise thereof.

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Thanks for watching, thanks for listening and remember, the political is personal.


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Fatih Siyasi

Engaged in counter-propaganda related work.