Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Most Succinct Explanation of the Migrant Crisis Ever

From “What On Earth Is Happening” video pod cast

Last week Mark Passio, publisher of the website What On Earth Is Happening and weekly video pod cast call-in show, gave what has to be the most succinct, spot-on explanation of the migrant crisis ever (play video above, about five minutes long). On his May 20, 2019 show, Mark responds to a caller’s question about the neo-White nationalist direction that another video pod-caster at Red Ice Radio has taken as of late. As part of his response, Mark provides an explanation of the migrant crisis, both at the U.S. southern border and in Europe, that you will never hear from any politician, any legacy media outlet or any advocacy organization on either side of the issue.

Divide and Conquer

Mark explains that the forcing together of disparate cultures is part of a larger divide-and-conquer agenda. This is a concept that goes back millenia. It is a tactic used by the ruling classes to divide the masses and turn the masses against each other to prevent them from organizing, or even questioning, the actions of the ruling class. By keeping the masses in fear of each other and at each others’ throats, the ruling classes clear their path to consolidate wealth and power with little to no challenge from below.

This strategy facilitates the ultimate enslavement of all of humanity through a mechanism known as the “Hegelian Dialectic“. By creating one or more crises, the ruling classes manipulate the public into begging the rulers to take our freedom, our wealth and our political power in exchange for the promise of protection from the threats, real or perceived, posed by the “invading hoards”.

Our Rulers Create the Crises in the First Place

I would like to expand on one point that that Mark made. That is the fact that our rulers created the migrant crises currently facing the U.S. and Europe through their own policies. In both Latin America and the Middle East, the two regions from which today’s migrants are fleeing, the U.S. and European countries like the U.K. and France, have intentionally employed overt and covert means to topple democratically-elected regimes and destroy the economic and social stability of countries that have posed no military threat to the United States or Europe.

Some examples of good books on the topic are:

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Justified by the battle-cry to amorphous “wars” on communism (a.k.a “The Cold War”), drugs and terrorism, American and European leaders have employed the Hegelian Dialectic to scare their respective populations into at least tacit approval of such policies that violate domestic and international law, as well as the basic tenets of morality. Violations that the public would not tolerate without first being scared into compromising their values or morality.

On one level, this is done for the sake of getting at the resources of the target countries when their leaders would not simply sell out. The two books listed above detail such scenarios, as in Iran in 1953 and in Venezuala today. But, as Mark Passio points out, on another level the purpose is to divide and conquer. Honestly, does it make sense to send Muslim refugees to secular, liberal European societies? Why not send them to other Muslim countries that are supposed Western allies like Saudi Arabia?

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Fatih Siyasi

Engaged in counter-propaganda related work.