Sunday, May 19, 2024
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#Bombscare Working as Planned?

Cui Bono?

Unless you’ve been sleeping under a rock,  you should be well aware that several apparently home-made bombs were mailed to prominent Democrats and Democrat-related persons earlier this week. The result has been a firestorm of accusations being hurled at both President Donald Trump, as well as his foes in politics and the media. Twitter, to no surprise, has been on fire.



As a student of history and politics, my first inclination when such an event occurs is not to ask “who did it?”, but rather “who benefits?” There’s an old Latin phrase for that, “cui bono”. History, particularly history of the American empire, is laden with examples of false flag operations used to influence the masses. If the letter bombs are a false flag operation, it would be child’s play compared to some others that have occurred in the past.

Leftist Conspiracy or “Divide and Conquer”?

Now you might have been thinking this article was going to paint a picture of a leftist conspiracy to turn out the vote for Democrats and/or hurt Trump and the Republicans in the upcoming mid-term elections. But there really is no need for me to do that because it’s already pretty-well painted. But I’ll recap some highlights, anyway:

  1. A Trump supporter sending letter bombs to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, George Soros and CNN just before the mid-terms is like Syrian President Assad using chemical weapons on his own people just as his army and its allies were on the verge of victory over ISIS. The timing is very suspicious.
  2. There are six stamps on the envelope in one photo (maybe more than one?) and no postmark on any of the stamps. That means the package never went through the U.S. Mail, but was still delivered?
  3. Do I even need to get into the whole return address thing?

But I would caution those of you who are jumping on the leftist conspiracy bandwagon. The leftist false flag theory seems almost too easy, doesn’t it? I mean, it’s really easy to put that one together. You know what else seems easy? Predicting the response of both sides if you were the person(s) planning these letter bombs.

A lot of people are calling it a leftist false flag and a lot of people are saying that the mail bombs are the result of Trump’s rhetoric. Trump supporters were quick to notice how many fishy things seem to point to a leftist plot to sway the outcome of the mid-terms. Trump haters were quick to blame Trump and his rhetoric.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” – Edward Bernays (a.k.a. “the father of public relations”), Propaganda, 1928

Meanwhile, the political divisions in this country continue to become more pronounced. And I think that’s the real point. Who ever is behind this is obviously a nut job. But the world is run by nut jobs. Nut jobs with a lot of money and power (yes, like George Soros) who buy politicians and media outlets. Nut jobs who keep you distracted with false dichotomies like left versus right, while these so-called political opponents happily work together for more war, more authoritarianism and less freedom for you and I.

The father of public relations, Edward Bernays, wrote about it. Not to expose that we are manipulated by the rich and powerful, but to make the argument that this is how democracy is supposed to function. In his book, Propaganda, Bernays wrote, “[t]he conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”

Are we being manipulated now?

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Fatih Siyasi

Engaged in counter-propaganda related work.